Final CEP 810 Reflection


I never thought myself as a technology person, so when the district decided to start the one to one net book program, I feel a little lost and overwhelming. If I barely know the technology, how could I teach my students to make good use of the resource?  

I have to say that the course helped me a lot, pushing me to try the new things, changing my original idea of how to learn, and how to share. I really enjoy this 8-week rewarding journey.

After I finished the networked learning project, I feel amazed by the new approaches toward learning and I shared my experience with my students and encouraged them to explore, search, learn, share and create through technology.

Another big theory I learned from this course is that technology is not educational by default. We must be able to choose, use and repurpose the technology to teach the contents and achieve the learning goal. We cannot choose a technology tool just because that the students can make fancy and cool projects with it, but because it helped achieve their learning goals.

I am still a freshman as a technology educator, but I find the enjoyment and will definitely continue to explore it!   Continue reading

Networked Learning Project Video

My networked learning project focused on wearing makeup. Before starting this project, I barely knew anything about makeup and never wear makeup. And of course, I had no idea of the various styles and choices of make up. After some research, I narrowed my goal of the project to everyday makeup for Asian girls.

I read quite a lot of articles about recommendations of makeup brands and products and after trying personally, some work very well, but some do not fit me. So I made a list of the good ones matching my skin and continued searching the others. Besides, the new products are coming out everyday. It’s impossible to say that this on is perfect for you and you are going to use it forever. So I figure choosing the best tools and the products is not a short-term thing, it take time, experience and most importantly, knowing your skin condition.

After choosing the makeup products, I start to focus on how to improve the skills and techniques. I practiced by following the YouTube videos including girls from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea showing their process of wearing makeup. The tutorials are very helpful and I was amazed by how much change and improvement of the appearance by only wearing makeup. During practice, I found that the hardest part of wearing makeup is the eyes, so I paid more time and attention to eye makeup, watching some videos from Chinese social network website-Weibo, and also joined a makeup teaching blog, so that almost everyday, I could be updated with some new information or tips about wearing makeup.

I had tons of fun when working on this project, and feel impressed by how much we could learn only through technical. As you can see from the video, my makeup skill is still fresh, but it’s much better than the first time. I will keep trying and improving and plan to learn more new skills by using the technical methods!

Cooking with TPACK

The above video is for a cooking project of CEP 810 course. In this assignment, I need to make a fruit salad with a plate, a bowl and a turning shovel (picked by my friend). Through the process, I figured out how to repurpose the turning shovel as a cutter and it actually worked well.

The learning experience helped me get a more vivid understanding of the connections between content knowledge and knowledge of teaching, called Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). On one hand, the teacher not only needs to know a specific technology (the utensil), but also need to know the affordances and constrains of it and how to use it to facilitate learning and meet students’ needs (fruit salad). On another hand, technology is not educational by default, just like the turning shovel is not designed to be a cutter. Teachers must embrace the role of becoming designers of curriculum. We must be able to choose, use and repurpose the technology to teach the contents and achieve the learning goal.

Kereluik, K., Mishra, P. & Koehler, M.J. (2011). On learning to subvert signs: Literacy, technology and the TPACK framework. The California Reader, 44(2), 12-18. Retrieved from

Click to access tpack1_subvert_signs.pdf

21 Century lesson Plan

1. Title: Restaurant

2. Level: 5th grade students, Mandarin beginning learners

3. Goals:

     Do: Students will be able to order foods in a Chinese restaurant and create their own restaurant menu.


  • l  The learner will be familiar with the vocabulary of foods and drinks.
  • l  The learner will review the expression ways of money.
  • l  The learner will learn the sentences of ordering foods in a restaurant.

     Set: Create a three-min video about ordering foods in a Chinese restaurant.

4. Learning and teaching strategies:

Day 1: menu (Google Doc)

  • l  Students search the authentic menu of a restaurant in China on Internet and discuss the components of the menu: the names of foods and drinks as well as their prices.
  • l  Students review the foods and drinks vocabulary by playing games on Quizlet.
  • l  Divide the students into groups of 4 and have them choose their own role and responsibility: student A works on the names of the foods, B works on the prices of the foods, C works on the names of the drinks and D works on the prices of the drinks.
  • l  Review the Google Doc skills with students and encourage them work together to create a menu with Google Doc.
  • l  Stress the importance of cooperation and instruct each group to decide on their restaurant’ name and their team name.

Day 2: script (Google Doc)

  • l  Provide feed back of their menu creating and have kids to some necessary improvements.
  • l  The teacher shows a video clip of ordering foods in a restaurant and has kids practice and translate the dialogues.
  • l  Review the expressions “What would you like to eat/drink?”, “I would like ~”
  • l  Students will continue working as groups to create a script of ordering foods in a Chinese restaurant with Google Doc.

Day 3: I-movie or Go Animate Videos

l  After practice and rehearsal, each group could choose to create a video of ordering foods in mandarin with either I-movie or Go Animate.

Day 4: Closure

  • l  Students watch other groups’ videos and give feedbacks to each other.
  • l  Show the original video again and remove the sounds, have kids to try to dub it.
  • l  Encourage the kids to have a dinner in a local Chinese restaurant and order foods for families. Continue reading

Learning to apply makeup week 3

This week, I focused on how to apply eyeliner and mascara.

Eyeliner: How to apply eyeliner

First of all, choose the tool. After reading the article of the best eyeliners from cheap to steep, I tried both eyeliner pencil and liquid liner, but figured out that the liquid liner is a little bit hard for the beginning learners to control, so I decided to use the eyeliner pencil. One negative side of using eye pencil is that penciled lines tend to melt and won’t stay put all day, so it’s better to set the line with eye shadow.


Mascara: 15 Mascara Tricks and Tips

I took the notes when reading about how to properly apply mascara and practiced with it. Surprisingly, I did see the difference! So here is the three-step process:

Step 1: Wiggle the wand left to right at the base of lashes. It’s the mascara placed near the roots — not the tips — that gives the illusion of length.

Step 2: Pull the wand up and through lashes, wiggling as you go. The wiggling part is key because it separates lashes.

Step 3: In this final step (which I always skip), close the eye and place the mascara wand on top of lashes at the base and pull through to remove any clumps.


Two tricks to get rid of clumps are: one, wipe wand on tissue to remove excess mascara, this eliminates blobs before start; two, sweep a clean, fresh mascara wand through lashes when they are wet. We could recycle old ones by cleaning them in a cap-full of eye makeup remover and then washing with soap.


Besides, I noticed that it is encouraged to mix mascaras, for example, apply one coat of lengthening mascara, followed by one coat of thickening mascara.


The question for this week is how to remove the eye makeup. Through practicing and trials, I found that the some eye makeup is hard to be cleaned thoroughly, especially the waterproof ones. I will continue doing some research in this.


I’ve very happy to see the progress I have made and do enjoy the learning experience about makeup.





Learning to apply makeup Week 2

For the last two weeks, I keep looking for information about teaching applying makeup on Internet, including Pinterest, Youtube videos and Chinese tweet- Weibo.


At the beginning, I felt a little overwhelmed by the various makeup styles and products. After watching several Youtube videos, I tried to follow some makeup tutorials and realized that some style do not work well for Asian or my age. And I also learned that the heavy makeup is not good for your skin. So I limited my searching to Asian makeup tutorial and focused on the everyday makeup. I start to search for the makeup products that work better for Asian skin.

Cleanser: Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser

Bronzer: NYX illuminating Bronzer

Foundation: Nars Sheer Glow

Eye Shadow: Naked Palette

Mascara: Maybelline New York Volum’ Express The Colossal Cat Eyes


And also I read some articles and watched some videos about applying the makeup for Asian girls.

Makeup tips for Asian Women

Makeup products Recommendation

Everyday makeup tutorial

Korean girl teaching makeup

small face


I have also started to watch the videos that specifically teaching how to do the eye makeup, since it is the key of the whole process. So far, I am happy with what I have already learned and having a lot of fun! And next, I will focus on practice and following the tutorial videos.


I am an itinerant teacher, travelling to four schools everyday. And my laptop can only get spotty wifi access in one of the classrooms, so I prefer to use my day planner to do the collection of the to do lists.

I tried and explored Edmodo and found out that it is a great and very helpful tool for both my students and myself. I created a group for my 6th grade class and have all students join the group by giving them the group code. In this way, the students will be able to receive the new posts and get into the Edmodo library and folders of the group.

What I like most about Edmodo is that the teacher would be able to add the word list, Power point and all learning materials under the group folders so that the students can get the access to them anywhere and anytime. Besides, the teacher could give the assignment on Edmodo with instructions, expectations and due dates. We will not need to worry if the children miss the class or forget the homework because the due date of the assignments will show up on their Edmodo planner. Moreover, if the students have any questions in terms of the assignment, they could post their questions on Edmodo and will be able to receive the response from other students or the teacher soon. And after the students turn in their work, teacher could provide individual feedbacks and give grades through Edmodo, which is wonderful!

I’m still learning more about Edmodo, and so far have not found anything that does not work for me. I love it and will surely continue using it with my classes.

Learning to apply makeup

For the network learning project, I have decided to learn how to apply makeup. Every girl wants to be beautiful and charming and I always admire the beautiful makeup that some of my friends wear. I have wanted to learn that for a long time but haven’t found a good time and opportunity. Here is a great chance. I look forward to it and showing my friends a surprise!


Here are some sources I plan on using:

CEP 810 Learning, Understanding and Conceptual Change Essay


      Becoming a Mandarin Chinese teacher, I keep asking myself what do I want my children to learn and to know, simply memorizing the vocabularies, grammar, sentence structures I taught? As Nobel laureate Herbert Simon wisely stated, the meaning of “knowing” has shifted from being able to remember and repeat information to being able to find and use it (Simon, 1996).


What is learning?

      According to “How people learn: brain, mind, experience and school”, people’s pre-existing knowledge significantly influence what they notice about the environment and how they organize and interpret it. And in turn, it affects their abilities to remember, reason, solve problems, and acquire new knowledge. (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 2000, p. 10) Thus, teachers need to pay attention to the incomplete understandings, the false beliefs. If the children’s original concepts are ignored, the teacher cannot reach their intents for the development of understanding.

      Besides, encouraging and guiding students to be active learners and to take control of their own learning is critical. To achieve it, we need to provide important glimpses of connections between goals for learning and teaching practices that can affect students’ abilities to accomplish these goals.

      In conclusion, the development of the science of learning is changing from simply providing the knowledge to improve significantly people’s abilities to become active learners to seek to understand complex subject matter and is better prepared to transfer what they have learned to new problems and settings.


What teaching methods support learning and it related concepts?

      Bransford described the following three teaching methods.

      First, the teacher need to have a clear idea of the preexisting understanding the students bring in and make adjustment with it. We must actively inquire students’ thinking and create class activities under which student thinking can be revealed. The methods of assessment have to help the students see their own thinking and also make it visible to peers and teacher. In this way, the students could receive feedback to refine and improve their understanding.

      Second, teachers must teach some subject matter in depth, providing various examples in which the same concept is at work and providing a firm foundation of factual knowledge. Instead of teaching only the superficial coverage of the all topics of one subject area, we should focus on less topics but organize in-depth study and learning for students. This will require active coordination of the curriculum across the school year and connections between different subjects. However, the goal is hard to achieve due to the standard test, which only assess the factual knowledge rather than conceptual understanding, let alone students’ abilities to apply the concepts.

      Third, the teaching metcognitive skills should be integrated into the curriculum in a variety of subject areas. The metcognitive skills allow the students to verbalize their thinking as they worked. They would be able to monitor their own understanding carefully, making note of when additional information was required for understanding, whether new information was consistent with what they already knew. It can enhance students’ learning as well as their abilities to learn independently and think critically.


Research evidence indicated that when the above three methods are incorporated into teaching, students’ achievement improves. As educators, we have to consciously applying it into out curriculum building and daily teaching.





Bransford, J., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.), How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school (pp. 3-27). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Retrieved from